Thursday, February 24, 2011

Foxy Mustang vs. Tree: Tree 1, Mustang Nil [with Video]

What enterprising youth hasn�t hooned around an empty car park in a car? I think it�s safe to say that most motoring enthusiasts would have at one stage in their lives, before they had the bravado to exercise their �skillz� [sic] on the track (or, in some cases, a nasty accident that makes them take pause). Well, think of this video as the interim stage between, �Parking Lot Racer� and �Certified Track Demon�.

So we have this guy (it would have to be, yeah?) in a post-1987 Mustang. He�s participating in some sort of coned off track racing shenanigans. It�s all fun and games power sliding through the cones until the 1:05 minute mark. Then...BAM! On the plus side, the car hit on the passenger side, which appears from the video to be unoccupied.

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