Saturday, July 11, 2009

2010 Opel Astra and Alfa Romeo Milano Styling: Too Close for Comfort?

Many of you, our readers, were quick to point out the Alfa Romeo Milano showcased in the leaked factory spy shots shared one too many styling similarities with GM's forthcoming Opel Astra hatchback. Are we talking about a cloning case here? Absolutely not. Even though we only have these fuzzy photos of the Alfa to go by, the only way you're going to confuse these two cars is if you wasted your paycheck on drinks. But, we think that many of you caught on to something and by that we mean the styling of the rear quarters.

And oh, since we're all quick to jump in the bandwagon when we see a Chinese vehicle 'borrowing' styling traits from other cars it's only fair that we do the same with everyone else.

But before we go into any details, let us say that designs are not finalized in a matter of weeks so don't go and claim that Alfa 'plagiarized' Opel (unless you know something that none of the rest of us don't) just because the Astra made its debut first.

Truth to be said, when we compared the two cars side by side, we were quite amazed by the similarities in the design of the rear quarter panel and the rear-end. If we didn't know any better, we'd say that from the B-pillar and back, it's as if someone drew a rough sketch and gave it to two different design teams for further development: one from Germany and one from Italy.

Just look at the crisp belt-line and how it meets the corners of the same shaped tail lights, then pay attention to the window line, the C-Pillar, the wraparound rear windshield with the roof spoiler and even the styling of the rear bumper with the blacked out apron 'swoopy' curve line.

So in a nutshell, that's what we think. Time to agree, disagree or just simply have your say in the comment section below.